Mens Proformance™ Results

Clinically proven to increase the body’s biologically active Testosterone levels by a Massive 98.8%.

Mens Profiormance™ Results

Increase Testosterone levels by 98.8%

Increase Testosterone

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Mens Proformance™ is proven to deliver results. Our key ingredient Testofen® has undergone extensive clinical trials to analyze its benefits and positive effects on the body.

Over an eight week period and measured against a trial group taking a placebo, results were outstanding showing a 98.8% increase in testosterone while protecting existing testosterone from being converted into oestrogen.

Testofen® was shown to create a dual anabolic action; reactivating the body’s existing unbound testosterone and increasing production of new testosterone.



Reduction in Skin-fold Thickness by 14 and 20%

Reduction in Skin-fold Thickness

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During the eight week clinical study individuals experienced a substantial reduction in skin-fold thickness, this is a good indicator of the reduction in total body fat.

During the course of the trial that each participant lost an average of 14% on their thighs and 20% off their triceps compared pre-study skin-fold thickness test.

The scientists running the experiment believe that the key component in Mens Proformance™ creates; the perfect metabolic environment to lose fat, increase muscle-mass, elevate testosterone while reducing oestrogen levels.



Reduction in Blood Urea Nitrogen by 9.4%

Blood Urea Nitrogen

Click the image to enlarge.

Blood Urea Nitrogen levels were shown to be significantly reduced after eight weeks of consumption of Testofen®, Mens Proformance™ primary ingredient.

During this clinical study it was shown that the body was in an anabolic state and muscle-breakdown was reduced. This enables the body to develop lean muscle mass and increase muscle recovery.


Graph References

  • Increase in Testosterone in Male Test Subjects
  • Reduction in Skin Thickness in Male Test Subjects
  • Reduction in Blood Urea Nitrogen in Male Test Subjects

Wankhede et. al., 2006 “Effect of Testofen on safety, anabolic activity and factors affecting exercise physiology.”


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